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Monday, September 3, 2012

We Should Let President Obama Go.

Despite the fact that President Obama continues to deny his record by talking about anything but, we know what the last four years have given us:

     *An economy that is barely growing and failing to generate enough jobs.

     *A stimulus bill that did not work wasting tax money as in the Solyndra experience.

     *Health care legislation pushed through Congress in secrecy and with special deals.

     *The implementation of health care regulations that threaten religious liberty.

     *Growing debt and out of control spending.

     *A tendency to govern by executive order rather than working with Congress and using the "bully pulpit" to lead and persuade the American electorate.

     *Continued attempts to divide us by stressing what divides, not what unites us.

     *A campaign that uses acrimonious tactics and questionable facts when criticizing opponents.

President Clinton was able to work with a Republican Congress. Why can't Obama?

The fact that the President has continued his divisive ways does does not bode well if he is reelected. We would see more of the same: economic stagnation, divisive politics, deadlock, a disunited country, government by fiat and less freedom.

President Obama may be an  OK guy and a good family man but he is a bad president. Quoting Clint Eastwood, we should "let him go".


  1. Good blog Norm. You brought up a good point re: Clinton being able to work with Congress. Now who was the key person Clinton was able to work with? Newt Gingrich. How did Obama work with Pelosi and Reid? As you pointed out "re: H.C", Obama had to make special deals in order to get "his" legislation passed. This speaks volumes regarding why Obama cannot work with's because he is far too radical and to the left! He does not know how to compromise, as shown via two different bi-partisan debt commissions. What has Obama taken and used from their recommendations? We may only wonder as the debt clock "rolls" toward $16 T.....Good points you made Norm, can a liberal even recognize such?

  2. Thanks Kenny

    I agree with you. President Obama is an ideologue, unable to compromise & out of the political mainstream. (His arrogance compounds the problem). Our system of checks and balances demands compromise to get anything done--Prior presidents realized it; Obama doesn't to the detriment of his presidency and, more importantly, the country. One result is a bill like health care that was rammed through without deliberation and consensus--no wonder the country is divided. President Obama deserves much of the blame. He not only should go, he must go.
