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Sunday, August 26, 2012

"We the People of the United States---"

At a time when some of our states are threatened by a tropical storm and possibly a hurricane, we hope for the best for all those who are in its path.

The opening words of the Constitution, "We the People of the United States---",  remind us of who we are and what we have in common. In the current economic and political storm our country faces, we Americans would do well to remember those values we hold dear and are embodied in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed--".  (Declaration of Independence)

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America." (Preamble to the Constitution)

No one should deny that our current problems need to be resolved; too many of our fellow Americans are hurting. In the coming weeks, we will hear many arguments on which road we should take. We may sometimes question the principles and even the motives of those with which we disagree. We hold however, that it is their right to speak their opinions as we have the right to speak our own.

In the end, each of us will decide on what we think is best for the country. It is of course important that we resolve the crises before us. But it is also important to resolve it in such a way that our most cherished values and freedoms are not impaired or threatened.


  1. Norm, you make some very good points as I am sure you intended as you wrote the quotes. In my humble opinion, too many of our fellow American's make the mistake of voting their self-interests over and above what they know is what is best for our country. Scottish philosophy Tyler predicted when "too many" voters follow this ideology (of self), democracy fails. Many other Americans cannot understand the differences between morally repugnant actions and their ideology of "social justice" and/or "for the better good". President Obama is purposely driving a wedge between Americans. Pitting rich vs. poor, religious vs. secular, women's "rights" vs rights of life, and yes, illegal immigration vs law to garner votes.
    This election will be a huge challenge to the American people. Can they agree to disagree? In many cases no! In my heart, I believe if Obama wins this election, our country will be "transformed" in a manner few could have predicted when supporting this candidate in 2008. A second mistake will bury our country in so many ways. For those of us who understand this, trying to talk to an Obama supporter becomes so very frustrating. God comes first, country second....far too many people place Obama first, too bad these folks do not understand history (Bonhoeffer).......God Bless America, Kenny

  2. "Self inerest" can be described as "interest in one's own welfare or advantage with little care for the welfare of others: selfishness". ( World Book Dictionary)

    But it can also be described in a broader sense in that someone identifies his/her self interest with goals that benefit the common good or what can be described as "enlightened self interest." An example of this is when someone makes a donation to education since he/she recognizes that a well educated public benefits society and his/her self interest as well.

    I think that there will be some (don't know how many but hopefully not a majority) who will be swayed by Obama's fear tactics and vote in their "narrow" self interest for his reelection. If he is reelected, the country will see a rapid decline (unless, and this is a long shot, Congress can stop him). I agree with Kenny's comments on the possible ramifications if Obama wins.

    But I also think that the Republicans can persuade enough voters to see the big picture and for the good of the country, and in their "broader", enlightened self interest, vote for the Romney/Ryan ticket and the solutions they offer. For those of us who have this view, we must hope that the Republicans win in Nov.
