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Monday, September 17, 2012

When is a "Liberal" not a liberal?

In a recent article in the Wall Street Journal ("The Obama Democrats"--9/13/12), Daniel Henninger said the following:

     "They've (Barack Obama and the modern Democratic Party) got goals, and what they want from the people---is compliance."

     "The Obama Democrats are no longer the party of FDR, Truman, JFK or Clinton. All were combative partisans, but their view of the American system was fundamentally positive."

     "An Obama victory wouldn't be just a defeat for the GOP. It would be a defeat of the post-World War II Democratic Party. And they know it. The progressive left has wanted to push Democratic liberalism over the cliff for decades. This is their best shot to get it done."

     "FDR's Social Security and LBJ's Medicare asked all to buy in to supporting it. Obama-Care doesn't; Mr. Obama revels in explaining how 'they' will pay for 'you'. Left unanswered, demagoguery can win elections. And take a generation to undo."

Liberalism is defined as: "tolerant; not narrow in one's ideas and views; broad minded." (World Book Dictionary).  The Democratic leaders mentioned in Mr. Henninger's article generally had those defined attributes.  But should President Obama be considered a "Liberal Democrat"?

Before responding, we should consider not only the above article but also the President's record over the last three plus years. President Obama has:

     *Advised companies that they need not comply with a law that requires notification to employees 60 days prior to an impending layoff.

     *Indicated that he would not enforce the Defense of Marriage Act.

     *Not effectively enforced the immigration laws and nullified certain provisions by executive edict.

     *Issued regulations forcing religious organizations to provide their employees health care coverage for contraceptives and abortifacient drugs.

     *Provided waivers for work requirements contrary to the provisions of the welfare reform act passed in the Clinton administration.

     *Supported and signed the "Affordable Care Act" (Obamacare) which was essentially negotiated in secret with little public discussion contrary to promises of open government.

     *Conducted foreign affairs and defense policies in a partisan and unilateral manner, negating the overall bipartisan record of both Republican and Democratic administrations of past years.

In summary, President Obama has shown an arrogant intolerance for views not his own, in issuing unconstitutional decrees negating duly passed Congressional legislation, in his policies of divisiveness, not inclusion and in his conduct of foreign affairs and the national defense.

               He is not in the liberal Democratic tradition of FDR, Truman, JFK and Clinton.

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