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Sunday, September 30, 2012


"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness".        (Declaration of Independence)

The following post is by a guest contributor and concerns our most basic liberties. It is quoted in full:

"The choice is  clear to me. I do not want to go to Obamaworld. To become a denizen of that world would mean giving my future, my fortune, such as it is, and my liberty to a 'leader' who knows not what to do with it or perhaps worse, does.

This leader is so caught up with his own image and likeness that nothing else matters.  It is now clear that this president doesn't even communicate with his own party leaders, never mind world leaders. When one's image is all important, burnishing it is a full time endeavor.  Palavering on "The View" with celebrities is an example of that burnishing. Rome burns and Nero frolics with TV personalities. Note however that this time many of those are absent.

But, even more than fiscal ineptness and empty promises, the threat to our freedoms looms large. Governing by executive decree smacks of Caesar Chavez and his ilk. Some of our most precious freedoms are the right to life, the right of religious expression, the right to speak out: to dissent.

The campaign to continually impinge on those freedoms is strong, flourishing in Obamaworld. Particularly with regard to the Department of Health and Human Services mandates eliminating the right of church sponsored health facilities (or any one else for that matter) to not pay (therefore support) contraceptive and abortifacient services.

There is but a small movement to the next step. I will speak here of abortion. I know of this fight against this intrinsic evil. I was there early on. I speak of it in a medical sense. Once life is imbedded in the womb, there is a human being. Period. No question. This is called a child. A baby. It clings to its mother; it hears, it feels, it moves. If you do an amniocentesis, this child will flinch from the needle.

When real time ultrasound sonograms were first introduced, I knew a radiologist who was invited to view a pregnant uterus. After he saw the baby sucking his/her thumb, he was so moved he spent the entire next year studying the Bible.

Once this child with a beating heart, a tiny growing brain and sensation is within, there is only one way to remove it. That way is to forcibly extract it, sometimes to fracture him/her, to suction it out. If the child is late-term (late-term = full term or at viability: able to live outside the womb) it means delivering it and leaving it to die. Period.

Ironically, wanted children are saved in neonatal units everywhere. Wanted children--3 pounds and up.

It is my contention that many do not understand these facts--they are often 'offended' by them.  If I am a radical: so be it."



  1. Sandra is right on. Pro-Choice advocates should read Un-Planned, by Abby Johnson. Such folks should also read about birth control drugs and how they "work". I also like to challenge Pro-Choice supporters to explain the difference between disturbing a turtles nest vs. abortion. I mean besides the fact disturbing a turtles nest subjects a person to a minimum $500 fine and/or six months in jail. Are we a society which places more value on a turtle egg than a human life? So how do pro-choicers wish to answer this question?

  2. KAV

    NYT Pick










    Two years ago, I had what would be considered an "abortion" when the baby I was carrying lost all of his amniotic fluid and began dying when I was five months pregnant. My only other "choice" was to give "birth" to a stillborn child. In an agonizing, heartbreaking decision I chose a surgical procedure delivered in a hospital by a compassionate, caring staff. The Republican Party thinks it knows better what is best for me and my body, and would have denied me this choice based on their own personal religious views. This is simply un-American. No one deserves an opinion on this topic but the woman who is pregnant. Period. Until today, I was considering voting for Mitt Romney--as a fiscally conservative independent with socially liberal leanings, he has appeal. Now my decision to never vote for a Republican again has been made.

    Aug. 21, 2012 at 1:58 p.m.


    1. I am so sorry for your loss. You make some very important points. 1. The baby you were your words, you wanted to have this baby. 2. I am no doctor but it sounds like a medical problem developed and your child was dying at age five months. I would respect the doctors and your decision based on what little I know. 3. The republican party does not deserve any blame here. 4. We are One Nation Under God. A Nation founded upon Christian Principles. I believe there is a big difference between, as democrats state: a woman's right to chose and a pregnancy such as you experienced. The health of mother and/or baby are important...very important. I am a republican and I am a very active pro-lifer. I am so very sorry you had this medical problem. I am sorry I do not have the words to ease you hurt....when you used the words agonizing and heartbreaking, indeed I understand you pain as best I believe possible without being in your "shoes". May God Bless you and give you comfort and strength....KD

  3. I am very sorry about your heartbreaking situation. To blame it on any party however is surely unfair. The choice is always yours.
    Compassion does not belong to only one party.

  4. Kenny, you have said it so beautifully.

