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Friday, August 17, 2012

No Matter Who Wins in November, Change is Inevitable

Whoever wins the presidential election, the path our country is currently on cannot be sustained. Whether we are heading towards a diminished or renewed America depends on the choice we make.

The Democrats would have us believe that the safe choice is to re-elect the President. Given his policies, that will mean continuing deterioration of the economy and ultimate crises. Unless we establish control of the federal government's spending and take steps to reduce our debt, the results will be comparable to those we see in Europe with one significant difference.  The magnitude of our problem is so large that no one entity could possibly bail us out. This is our problem to fix.

Neither can we depend on an increase in taxes. When taxes are uncompetitive with other nations (as they are already) some investment dollars will eventually move to those countries. The entrepreneurs who remain here will find less incentive to take risks. The ultimate result will be a lower gross national product, less jobs and a decrease in tax revenue, not more. It will also mean an increase in debt thereby compounding our problems. No one will benefit and the poor will suffer the most.

We must change direction to get out of our current spiral of debt. It requires bold action now, not later. We need to control spending and find ways to restructure entitlements so that they are sustainable into the future. That includes Medicare which is a significant part of the problem but not the only one. In the final analysis, the choice before us is deciding what the size and scope of the federal government should be, what role it should have in our daily lives and in the economy.

Republicans hold that these the answers to these questions can be determined by relying on our nation's fundamental principles established at the time of its beginnings. We have always cherished the principles of individual freedom and rights. Historically we have found that with initiative and hard work, individuals can improve their circumstances as well as contributing to the national welfare.

A rudimentary understanding of economics shows that no one can spend beyond their means indefinitely. That includes government. That inconvenient fact is more compelling when we already have large debt, anemic growth and high unemployment.

We have experienced the results of the Democrats' policies over their current tenure. Their continuation will mean more of the same results: more debt, slow growth and high unemployment. The President has it backwards. Government spending does not create wealth. Rather it is the private sector that produces the wealth that makes it possible for government to function.

The Republican plan offers a path to greater individual opportunity and economic growth. It is based on our core values as expressed in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. To insure this result, we must control spending, reform entitlements, keep taxes competitive in a global economy and reduce the size of government. The Republican plan is the alternative that should give us hope, not despair, about our future.


  1. Outstanding Norm! Taking your thoughts with the thoughts I just wrote *sent to you via e-mail* create a very interesting scenario for Obama supporters. In looking at the CBO budget projections, the years 2013-2016 have the deficit increasing a total of $1.5 Trillion dollars, or $4.2 Trillion dollars less than the 1st Obama term. How could Obama reduce $4.2 Trillion? Revenue cuts and reduced spending! Yep, much more than the "rich" payin' a little bit more....So what will Obama cut and how much? His supporters should be asking this question. Of course, you and I know better as his prmoise to cut the debt in half was missed by $11.1 trillion dollars.....Give Obama a second term and our economy collapses for certain......

    1. Thanks Kenny for your reply.

      I agree. The numbers you cite for the years 2013-2016 aren't credible given Obama's 2008 campaign promises to cut the debt. I'd like to see the news media ask questions about the details but don't hold your breath. These kind of games give politicians a bad rep and turn people off from politics. In this election year especially we need people to get involved and not give up hope. (see following comment by Ryan)

  2. I think we have to remind ourselves that debt talk and debt action are two different things. While Obama is certainly not doing anything to reign in the debt, either will Romney. He is already backing down on the medicare cuts that are part of the Ryan budget and the Affordable Care Act. He will do say anything at this point to get elected, so how can we expect him to be a leader of conviction in January? I was hopeful for a really stark contrast that embodies what you write about. History has shown that the Republican party is no better at controlling spending when in office. The deficit went from 0 to 8 Billion under Bush if I recall. The government grew with programs like No Child Left Behind. You can sprinkle in a few tax cuts to appease the base, but its all the same as far as I see it. As Ron Paul says, one party loves entitlements, the other loves war. Both cost a lot of money. Noone will ever have the guts to cut the defense budget, shrink the government, and regulate the financial sector. Its all easy in concept as I have said before. When it is time to name programs and make cuts, it gets much harder. I want less smoke and mirrors, and more discussion of facts related to improving the economy.

    1. Ryan. Long time no hear. Good to have you back.

      It's understandable why you and many others are down on politics and politicians. But the system has never been perfect. Changes (term limits, balanced budget amendments etc.) could be made to improve it but that would require leadership and clear public support.

      This election is probably one of the most important, if not the most important, in my lifetime. I know from your past comments that you are concerned about the country's state of affairs. I will support Romney and vote for him. I also hope that you will continue your interest and participate in the process even if it's only to study the issues and discuss it with others who care. You will be amazed how politicians will react when they know people are involved and concerned about what happens in Washington D.C.

      Hope to hear from you again.
