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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The President's Record is a Failure

Remember "hope and change" and the promise of an "open" administration? By President Obama's own standards he has not served the country well. His record is a failure.

On the Economy: The economy should have been the President's first priority. Instead he seemed fixated on other issues most notably health care. When he did address the economy, it was in terms of government solutions and expenditures such as the stimulus program. He seemed indifferent to the rapid growth of our national debt and the impact of increased government involvement in the private sector, an important economic driver. As of this date, 3.5 years into his presidency, the state of the economy and the unemployment rate continues to be unacceptable.

On Health Care: The President's program to remedy problems in the health care system again revealed his predisposition for government solutions. With his support, the Democrat leadership in Congress rammed through the "Affordable Care Act" in virtual secrecy. This 3000 page document was passed without the participation of many members of Congress and lacked public support. We to this day do not have a full understanding of what is authorized by the Act. The passage of this legislation left an unfavorable impression on the public not only for its perceived government interference in personal health care decisions but also for the manner in which it was passed.

On Religious Freedom: As part of the "Affordable Care Act", President Obama has sought to force religious institutions, contrary to their beliefs, to provide contraceptives and abortifacient drugs to their employees. This is a direct attack on freedom of religion as provided for in the very first amendment to the Constitution. The attempt was heavy handed and raises concern on the vulnerability of our most cherished freedoms. (For a related article, see "A Nation Adrift From the Rule of Law" by David Skeel in today's Wall Street Journal").

On Foreign Affairs: President Obama, by his words and deeds, apparently wants to see America less involved in world affairs. In trouble spots such as Syria, Libya and others, his leadership can best be categorized as not fully engaged. The result of a lack of clear leadership and policy is a power vacuum where countries such as Iran, China and Russia are exerting more power and influence.
After World War II, when the Soviet threat became manifest, President Truman took the lead in forging the NATO Alliance. That is the sort of responsible leadership that the president, as head of the world's preeminent democracy, should exercise. If we don't lead, who will?

In conclusion: President Obama's current campaign slogan is "Forward.". The slogan sends a message that we should stay on the same path, even if it's one we don't understand or accept and without a clear destination. We should change path to one that we recognize, know how to navigate and with a clearly identifiable goal. That is the choice we face this November.


  1. As one would expect, another well written piece Norm! I shudder to see the results of "Forward", if BHO gets another four years. After all, as you mentioned religious freedom, can you imagine the betting odds if in 2011 the question was: will BHO, in an election year, mandate the loss of religious freedoms for the 70M member Catholic Church here in the USA?
    Since that question was never dreamed of being asked, lets examine the question all Catholics and all religious ought to be asking themselves (if they support BHO).....The question: do you believe we (the USA) will lose more religious freedoms if BHO is re-elected? For those of you new to this blog, Norm has a few books he recommends. Bonhoeffer is one which is outstanding. Read at least the first 250 pages and you will note why this book is recommended. As Yogi Berra might say: It's deja vu all over again. Yet perhaps the single biggest question of our lifetime will be answered this November. The question: Is Scottish philosopher Alexander Tyler correct? In case some may not know about Tylers thoughts, the short version is: "a democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will exist until the time voters discover they can VOTE themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always vote for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to the loose fiscal policy, which is ALWAYS followed by a dictatorship." As Norm says, BHO cannot run on his failed record and this is shaping up to be a campaign of "division". Rich vs. poor, republicans vs women, and of course, after adding $5.7 T in debt, those republicans are going to throw "ya'll under the bus". So yes, Norm defines the choices this November and yet most of us understand the debt must be reined-in. Will more voters want government "gifts" and be willing to sell their vote for such, as Tyler states? We will see come November and if BHO wins, I'd say Tyler will see yet more proof he was right (re: democracy). Further, if BHO wins, the USA may have voted for their first dictator as this will be where "he" will evolve, in his narcissistic mind, before 2016. Remember the talk of Clinton serving more than two terms......

  2. Let's hope that Alexander Tyler was wrong. But the fact that his prognosis is plausible (and that Obama might very well win) should give us some real concern.

    The reference to the Bonhoffer book is very relevant if only to show what can happen in even a country as cultured as Germany which never anticipated the nightmare ahead.

    Obama is using the tactics of fear (medicare, social security etc), lies about Romney and Ryan's positions, demonizing Republicans, associating all conservatives/Republicans in a bad light for the stupid comment of one etc. I guess you might summarize that as Chicago politics. My prediction: when the polls show slipping support for Obama , these tactics will increase and get worse. Look for an October surprise.

    I think Romney and Ryan should take the high road and stress our country's real problems emphasizing that we Americans can and will solve them. That message and the fact that they both have sterling personal reputations contrasts favorably with Obama's low road approach.

    I have to believe that the voting public will put selfish interests aside and vote for what is in the bests interest of the country (and for our children's and grandchildren's future). Needless to say, that vote should be for the Romney/Ryan ticket.
