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Tuesday, January 3, 2012


As I just started this blog, it is gratifying to receive initial feedback. Comments by "Big Ryan" and "Kathy" are not only constructive but also provide a spur to more dialog.

I too am frustrated and fed-up with the country's current condition.  Instead of solutions, we are getting deadlock by a self-serving and ethically challenged political establishment.  Instead of leadership, we have a president who seems more interested in the accumulation of a war chest for his reelection campaign.

A candidate's character is an important factor for all voters to consider.  But it is only one of the factors that voters need to take into account.  Most of us do not have the opportunity for personal contact with the presidential candidates as in Iowa and New Hampshire.  So we rely, to a large degree, on the mass media which tends to be sensational and biased.  There are alternatives such as discussions with our friends and family or to participate in a blog such as this one.

The Constitution, as originally intended, was designed to check the concentration of power.  It does this in several ways. For example, it divides power among the three branches and by specifying that  powers not granted to the Federal Government be reserved to the States and to the people.  Further, the Constitution staggers the terms of Congress and the President  thereby diminishing the chance of ill considered legislation after a heated campaign.

That is the theory.  But as we have seen, the Federal Government has been increasing its power over the last few decades to the detriment of the States and individual citizens. There are many reasons for this but chief among them, in my opinion, is Congress's tendency to abuse their power of the purse.  Through that power, including that of taxation, the Federal Government has extended its reach to such aspects of our lives as health care and education as well as others.  In addition, the current President seeks to extend that power which could only lead to more control and abuse by entrenched politicians and moneyed interests.

It's time to get back to basics and to the principles of the Constitution. We need to get this Government back to its proper and legitimate role. We are at a cross road.

                                         The process starts in earnest today in Iowa.

1 comment:

  1. We have forgotten that for every right there is a responsibility. That is the basics. We do not encourage those who take entitlements to do something - anything. Yet our government punishes those like Peter who want to work as much as they can. They are discouraged by the rules of our big government that stiffles us through worry about losing everything he receives rather than having a sliding scale, for example. Our government is slowly usurping the spirit for work,no matter what one does. If they only considered what was right for all instead of how to get more money to their states to stay in office. It is up side down. People need individually to make change no matter their station or position in life.
    Every where I am assaulted by MEDIOCRITY.We are getting to be a society of people that do just enough. BLAH!
