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Wednesday, January 4, 2012


The votes for Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum and Ron Paul demonstrate that Iowa voters were most concerned about the economy, the national debt and what may be described as character issues.

All of these candidates emphasized the economy.  Romney: that  his private sector background and experience would help him lead the country to economic recovery.  Santorum: the need to create jobs especially in the manufacturing sector.  And Paul: that the economy would improve by his call to reduce the size of government and making substantial cuts in spending.

On the issue of debt, the candidates supported a balanced budget by a combination of cutting spending,  entitlement reforms and/or increased revenues from a recovered economy.

As to character, these top candidates projected sincerity in the debates. None made a major mistake.  Neither did any of them have a major character issue with which to contend.  Romney's image is squeaky clean.  Paul seems both sincere and consistent in advocating his libertarian positions.  Santorum projected himself as strongly pro-life and supportive of family values, a position which helped him with Evangelicals.

The character image of these three candidates contrast favorably with politicians in general as indicated by the abysmal approval rating of Congress. But the voters also had, as a comparison, allegations made against Newt Gingrich in his dealings with Freddie Mae and Freddie Mac. These allegations and the attack ads prior to the caucuses cost him dearly.

We will see what happens next week in New Hampshire.

1 comment:

  1. Romney needs to get over 25 % to make a showing. He actually did better last time.So no clear leader. New Hampshire and Carolina will tell us I hope. Some one has to take the lead. .This shows how confused we are. I believe in a solid single need to start with Norm. To many issues diluting the primary candidates requirements.A cohesive list of needs would allow us to compare. Of course they all change once they get in.
