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Sunday, January 22, 2012

"Flawed Candidates"?

I've heard more than once the term "flawed candidates" in connection with the Republican candidates for the Party's nomination.  The term was not meant as a compliment.

According to my dictionary the word "flaw" means "a fault; defect; blemish" and its synonym is "imperfection" which I suppose means less than perfect. Now imagine that! The candidates for the Republican nomination are less than perfect.

I guess it shouldn't be a surprise that anyone inclined to support one candidate or another would be predisposed to tailor his language accordingly.  As for instance, a candidate may be described as "purposeful" by a supporter but "stubborn" by an antagonist.

Other words may be used in the same way.  For example:

Intelligent vs. shrewd
Fighter vs. belligerent
Communicator vs. showman
Value oriented vs. uncompromising
Empathetic vs. panderer
Politician vs. politician?
Open minded/generous vs. liberal
Cautious/moderate vs. conservative.

The next time you hear a pundit, newsman or anyone else, describing a candidate's character or personality, listen to the words. They'll tell you a lot, not necessarily about the candidate, but of whoever is the source of the description.

(My thanks to Bob Schieffer on "Face the Nation" this morning for the last two examples).

1 comment:

  1. This is a great commentary. TV and newspaper pundits are as biased as the next person, only their opinions are heard by millions. How important to sieve through for oneself!
