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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Past, Present and Future

My initial reaction (see my last post) to the election results were anything but upbeat. In the past week, I haven't changed my mind.

In my posts on this blog, my standard for appraising any policy or proposal has been the Constitution.  In summary, I believe that the federal government in its current form has gone beyond its constitutional mandate. I further believe that this result will be to the ultimate detriment of all of us, rich and poor, of all ethnic heritages and no matter where we live.

This result did not suddenly happen over the last four years. We have been drifting toward it for some time.

One analysis is entitled "The Decline and Fall of the American Empire" and is found in the blog link cited below.  You can agree or disagree with it but don't ignore it. As usual, comments are welcome.

1 comment:

  1. Norm is correct regarding the Constitution. Another document preceded
    the Constitution and of course, we know it as the Declaration of Independence. July 4,1776: "When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another"..........I have read about the vast numbers of states petitions regarding secession with Texas leading the way. I ask you to examine a map of this past election and think, does secession make any sense? I would, at this point in time, agree with each state having the option of peaceful secession. I ask every conservative: who among you has not had at least one person speak about relocation to another country? I expect 99.9% of people simply cannot make such a move but can you imagine, for example, if Texas were to become it's own country, how many folks would move to Texas? Heck, if you look at the election map, Texas most certainly would not be the lone state......
    How many of us believe there is a revolt/revolution which will occur in our country? Of course, we know not when, and yet a peaceful secession would most certainly be the better "option". And yes, as I simply cannot pick up and leave this once great country, which is in the process of being destroyed by the transformation led by Obama, I would most certainly move to a state such as Texas......And yes, I believe, as we were in 1776, we are in a "state" of transformation which must be addressed.
    As Margaret Thatcher is famous for saying: "the trouble with socialism is sooner or later you run out of other people's money to spend." To which I say AMEN and lets not wait to go broke before secession. I am all for liberal democrits to have their own government. Yet what these people want is certainly not what was envisioned by our Nations Founding Fathers nor myself.
