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Saturday, November 3, 2012

Barack--Your Man?

The President regards "them" with disdain, prefers not to deal with "them" or even to be in their presence. Harry Reid has said that there is to be no compromise with "them".  Key members of the Democratic Party advocate any all means to defeat "them".  "Liberals" demonstrate an illiberal intolerance toward every utterance by "them". The media ignores journalistic objectivity in their criticisms of "them".

"Them"? A foreign power that threatens us and our allies? Terrorists who attack and kill Americans at every opportunity? It is neither of these.

"Them" refers to conservative Republicans and everyone or anyone who dares oppose the Democrats' agenda. In their zeal, Obama adherents justify deceit, fear and division to promote their ideology. An ideology that opposes American values of limited government and individual freedom. An ideology that promotes big government and ultimate control.

Given this fundamental difference, it is no wonder that our government is deadlocked and ineffective.  That our problems have not been addressed, our economy essentially "on hold".

Want more of the same? Barack Obama is your man.

Want to break out of this mess? Vote for someone who knows how to govern and reach across the aisle: Mitt Romney.


  1. United we stand, divided we fall......Barack Hussain Obama has divided this country unlike any President in modern history. BHO's disdain and refusal to compromise has been displayed going back to his attack on the Supreme Court during his State of Union address to the dressing down of Ryan at the press conference to that which we saw during the debates. With narcissists, history has shown the results of such leadership. And yes, Obama is a narcissist! Good job once again Norm.....

  2. Norm, everything you write about the Left is how the Left feels about the Right. Mitch McConnell said the #1 legislative goal of Republicans should be to deny President Obama a second term. That doesn't sound like the spirit of compromise/bipartisanship you yearn for with a Romney presidency. Also, the myth of the liberal media is one of the most confounding things I hear. If media is publishing things critical of those you support, discredit them. Then, create a media outlet that claims to put forward fair and balanced news, when it is anything but. I watched an interesting video this week about being an informed voter. It talks about trying to shed your biases and thing purely with your head, not heart. It suggests you read all the most intelligent critiques of those you support. If we just write off any critiques as biased, democracy suffers from an uninformed electorate.

    Romney can say vague things like 'i will create jobs', and 'i will reach across the aisle', but the facts show a Romney governorship full of vetoes and partisanship.

    The thing that is baffling to me is that if President Obama is as horrible as you say, why does Romney find it so hard to critique him in a factual way? Most of his recent ads feature outright lies designed to scare the electorate (saying auto manufacturers will move jobs to Asia if Obama reelected). The CEOs of those companies have denied this, but the ads persist.

    I am not going to tell you that President Obama is the best option for this country at this time, but Romney's inability to keep a consistent message and lay out a realistic path forward has reduced the excitement that would come from a change in direction. I honestly can say that I don't know what a Romney presidency would look like, which I think is the reason he is slipping in the polls.

    I think the Republican party has missed a big chance to swing things back in their favor.

    1. Dear Ryan,
      Even the liberal media admits they are liberal! Take the Benghazi attack. Where is the quest for truth by the mainstream media? The other night I watched one major network news and they had O coverage. CNN, on the same night (Erin Burnett) waited until 55 minutes into her 60 minute "news show" to address Benghazi and all she did was attack Fox News' coverage. Four Americans dead. Today we are 55 days after the attack.....we know the Ambassador asked for more security. We know during the attack, which lasted many hours, numerous calls for help were sent out. Don't the American people, especially the families of those dead Americans, deserve some answers?
      As for facts. I believe the facts have been presented. For example, Obama promised the debt would be cut in half yet he added over a trillion dollars of debt every year. ($10.7 to over $16T now). Un-employment, ask Norm to forward you
      some of my research from the end of last week. Ah heck, here is some of it: from Dec. 2008 food stamp recipients= 31,567,037. As of Friday, per the U.S. Debt Clock (the gov, web-site only went to July)...47,110,628 people getting food stamps. From the Bureau of Labor Statistics (Nov. 2nd), total civilian workforce working as % of population: 63.8%. In 2011 it was 64.1%. Going back to fall 2008: 66.0%....People not in the labor force: 2011: 86,213,000....2012: 88,341,000. People who could only find part-time work: 2011: 2,538,000...2012: 2,614,000. Persons who want a job, Oct. 2011: 5,969,000....Oct. 2012: 6,587,000.....These are government facts. Do the math, we have almost four million less people working and over six million wanting a job. Obama's had four years and was "handed" a stimulus bill to create jobs and re-build our infrastructure (roads and bridges)....Obama promised un-employment would not reach 8% if he got the stimulus bill passed. Instead, we had 43 months over 8%.....(not counting the millions who have left the workforce). Consistent messages....Did you forget how the cash for clunkers program was going to save the domestic auto industry? Recall the first time tax credit for purchasing a home and how this would jump start the housing market....Or how Romney supported bankruptcy for the auto industry and was and has continued to be chastized... Remember the costs to taxpayers?
      I will end by saying I believe the ad re: Jeep moving to China was a bad ad. Instead, Romney should have run an ad with video of G.M.'s CEO Ackerman stating 70% of GM production is done outside the USA....Here's a CNBC timeline to think about: 2009: Feb 17th: GM needs $30B and it's Saab unit files for bankruptcy in Sweden.March 30th: Obama, 1 day after firing the GM CEO says GM hasn't done enough to re-structure and gives until June 1st to make more cuts...
      May 15th: GM will end contracts with 1,100 additional dealers. May 26th: The UAW agrees to job cuts and 14 plant closures. June 1st, GM files for bankruptcy.....I hope this helps clear up the fact issue. Oh I gotta give you one more, the Keystone XL Pipeline. The application for this pipeline was given to the U.S. State Dept. Sept. of 2008. During the timeframe from when Obama became President until the permit was denied was 3 years. The Obama administrations "appropriate agencies" asked for 57 changes to the original plans and Keystone XL agreed to every change...meanwhile our imported oil costs, to date, equates to $445.4 B dollars. OUr trade deficit, as of Friday=$776.7 B. dollars. Obama's had his time....things are worse. I hope you digest some of these facts.....Kenny

  3. I saw this on Facebook, and this has been my feeling about Romney. This is a quote from a conservative commentator.

    "Mitt Romney, on the other hand, is a man devoid of any principles other than getting himself elected. As much as the American public does not like Barack Obama, they loath a man so fueled with ambition that he will say or do anything to get himself elected. Mitt Romney is that man.

    I've been reading the 200 pages of single spaced opposition research from the John McCain campaign on Mitt Romney. There is no issue I can find on which Mitt Romney has not taken both sides. He is neither liberal nor conservative. He is simply unprincipled."

    Erick Erickson -

    1. Certainly, the Erickson quote goes back in time to the primary"season". Did you also go back and read what Hillary and Bill said about Obama during the 08 primary?
      Lots of rhetoric "spewed" during elections. During the 2008 cycle, I actually read and commentated about Obama's idea's which I obtained by going to the Obama campaign web-site. For example, reading about Obama's platform re: energy, I did extensive research so what has happened is no surprise, to me....I would take Obama ideas one by one and end by asking: how we going to pay for this? Here we are, over $16T in debt.....I share with you a quote from an old Priest: "All politicians lie, if they told the truth, nobody would vote for them." Think about that one awhile....Then I heard Obama, during live coverage, state during a campaign speech as the crowd booed Romney, Obama said no, don't boo, vote. Get your revenge by voting. Revenge for what? Divisive? Romney asked people to vote for America.....nuff said....

  4. Ryan

    I would have to read the 200 pages that you cite to counter a reply which would take more time than I have between now and tomorrow.

    The same analysis that you cited could be made of any seasoned politician that tries to get things done--it's called compromise. Most bills passed through any legislature are not "pure" as you would have it. They are a mix of different viewpoints and compromises. Those people who are ideologues (as I believe Obama is--did you see the movie "2016"?) don't like to compromise by their very nature. They are so "principled" that they either never get anything done or they have to run over the Constitution to get their way. And so with this president we have deadlock, government by executive order and the passage of bills such as the "Affordable Care Act" that a majority of people don't like and will cause irreparable harm to our economy and to the health care system if allowed to stand.

    That is the big picture which many Obama supporters overlook--they get stuck in the weeds so to speak. (If you want to see how our greatest politician--and president--got things done read a "Team of Rivals" by Doris Kearns Goodwin or see the movie "Lincoln" which is based on the book to be released this week by Spielberg.)

    Ryan--I will never ask you how you voted; your vote is your own. But I only ask that you carefully consider your decision before stepping into the privacy of the voting booth.
