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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

A Summary of Where We Are on this Election Day

The choice in this election has both a philosophical and practical side.

The philosophical: Barack Obama reflects the view of his father.  That view is based on the premise that the Western powers subjugated other countries and populations primarily to exploit their resources. It is a view that is not only anti-colonial but anti-capitalists as well.

It is a view that puts America (with all its wealth) as the inheritor of that history. From that idea, proposals to "spread the wealth" and laws to control private industry/business are promulgated.  From that idea such sentiments such as "you didn't build that" and references to voting as "revenge" are based. And it explains, in my opinion, Obama's "apology tour" early in his presidency.

We should oppose these ideas on several levels. Briefly, they are:

1) America was never a major colonial power.

2) Our wealth was built on the basis of a free economic system. That system has led many to immigrate here and to prosper under their own initiative. They represent the vast majority of Americans today and are the bulwark of the middle class.

3) Policies emanating from anti-colonial, anti-capitalists views can only be self destructive and hurt people of all classes.

4) Such policies are in opposition to our Constitutional values and historic tradition.

The practical: We now see where Obama's policies have led us. The results are there for all to see. In the press, on the net, during the political campaigns and in past posts of this blog and comments received. They show an economy that is frozen in place, no better than it was four years ago, a country that is divided and fearful, a country under threat from emboldened foreign enemies and a country that sees its liberties diminished.

Many attribute these results to incompetence. That is only part of the story. Based on his background and ideas, Barack Obama seeks to fundamentally "transform" America. If you don't think so, read his books, see the movie "2016".

It is often said that this is a critical election. If Obama is reelected, there will be no turning back. That his policies will be too ingrained to reverse or change. Based on what we now know, the reelection of Barack Obama is a risk we should not take. It is a bridge too far.

Mitt Romney is the better alternative. He best represents our values, knows how our free enterprise system works, has held both private and government leadership posts and is committed to reverse the path we are on to a brighter, more optimistic future.

1 comment:

  1. Good analysis Norm. Your speaking of colonialism and spread the wealth reminds me of what has happened to Zimbabwe. A former British colony which the British land "owners" had productive farms and produced enough food for export. Pres. Robert Mugabi "re-distributed" wealth and land to the
    "native peoples". Now, Zimbabwe does not produce enough food for their own people. Their economy is among the worst, if not the worst in the world and their currency is worthless. Add to this, the parallel between the government benefits to the people of Greece and where Obama is leading the USA....As Norm said, incompetence is but one part that when coupled with a goal of transforming the greatest country the world has even known leads to disaster.
