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Monday, May 7, 2012

Stereotypes: Impact on Political Climate

It's an obvious fact but bears repeating: each individual is unique.  We all have different talents, characteristics and opinions.  This is true even among close families and groups of friends. It is also true among members of larger organizations.

Members of political parties, for instance, often have different views from that of other members. Some of these views may even be shared with members of an opposing political party. In America, that is sometimes the case as Senators and Representatives primarily reflect the interests of their constituencies and shape their judgement accordingly.

In a presidential election year, however, the pressure to present a united front is paramount.  That is due to the fact that the office of the modern day presidency holds a great amount of power. It is a prize each party dearly wants. Add to this ingredient a sensationalist 24/7 news/ talk show media with the power of money and the result is an atmosphere of vitriol and divisiveness.

In such an atmosphere, the temptation is to demonize your opponents, to brand them in a fixed and unfavorable image. In a word, to stereotype.

You will hear in the upcoming campaign various stereotypical descriptions of political opponents such as "leftists", "rightists", "misogynists", "racists" (or similar) as well as others. Such name calling does a grave disservice to our country, the democratic process and to the honest men and women who choose to run for public office.  But it is also a disservice to the independent thinking members of the party using such tactics since it pressures them to conform to the group thinking: "if you are not with us, you are against us".

As voters, we need to be aware of such tactics and resist them.  We should insist on a discussion of the issues based on fact and what is best for the country. As an independent and free people, we should each use our own critical judgement in casting our ballot. Our country deserves no less.

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