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Saturday, May 12, 2012

Have They No Sense of Decency?

During the late 1940's and early 1950's, Senator Joseph McCarthy used unethical methods to uncover what he perceived as communist infiltration of the government and other institutions. His methods of intimidation, innuendo and unsubstantiated accusations destroyed many careers and reputations.

At a hearing of a Senate Committee which he chaired, and after he bullied a number of witnesses, Senator McCarthy was asked by a Boston lawyer, Joseph Welch: "Have you no sense of decency, Sir--?". Not long after, the Senator was censured by the Senate for behavior "contrary to senatorial traditions" and his influence effectively came to an end.

In today's political climate, candidates, especially those who lack or have a meager record of accomplishments and qualifications, may attempt to deflect the debate even to the point of stereotyping, name calling and using outright fabrications in regard to their opponents.

No good can come of such tactics. They poison the political atmosphere, lead to confusion and divisiveness and they make it even more difficult to discuss concrete solutions to our very real problems.

During the past week, the Obama campaign and its allies have initiated a process of referring to their opponents as racists, homophobic and misogynists.  From that, one can conclude that they don't intend to run on their record and are devoid of any realistic solutions. One can further conclude that they are so ideologically bound that, to them, their ends justify the means even if they are detrimental to the country's well-being.

Have they no sense of decency?


  1. it is not about what they achieve but what shame they can bring about on others...

    1. To them, I suppose you are right but I would hope that they are held to a higher standard.

  2. This portends the use of gutter Chicago politics...and not a pretty period of time ahead. It is incredible to me that there is not an effort to simply state our problems honestly and the varied plans to address them.
    To use this bottom-feeder mentality at such a level as presidential is shameful for the country and before the world.
