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Thursday, July 11, 2013

Time for a Break

I've decided to take a break.

This decision is primarily due to other commitments and the fact is that I cannot, at least for the foreseeable future, give the blog the attention that I would like.

The break comes at a time when there's not much really new on the horizon. Washington politics haven't changed in substance.  The current administration continues in its free fall of incompetence and ideological arrogance. The Congress is its own worse enemy where the members' priority is reelection, not the national interest. And the Supreme Court swings from left to right depending on the views of one justice.

The lack of direction and leadership is frustrating but it essentially reflects a country that is deeply divided. Until "WE The People" come together on some consensus on the major problems before us, we will continue to see this split. It will require leadership, some compromise, time and yes, maybe even some sacrifice to "right this ship". Until that occurs, we will continue on our drift and the country will suffer for it.

Thanks for all of you who followed this blog and especially those who took the time to write comments. The blog will remain open at least for now and I invite you to continue any comments you have as long as you like. I will continue to butt in when I can.


Norm Pineault


  1. To all who read Norm's 'blogs". We will be missing words of wisdom from a patriotic American who is full of knowledge, wisdom, experience, and common sense. Re-read the rather short 2nd and 3rd paragraphs written by Norm. Norm just condensed into two paragraphs what could easily fill hundreds of pages in a book. Never in my lifetime, have I seen so many good people "beaten down" in frustration over what is happening to our once great country. Barack Hussain Obama is transforming our country, one promise he did keep.... in the most negative manner imaginable. All the hours of research and facts regarding this President and his regime, and I too am amazed at how our government and this regime has transformed America. The abuse of power by this regime makes Nixon appear as a Saint.....As Yogi Berra might respond: who woulda ever thunk it? Yet perhaps the most amazing things is not only did this President get re-elected, it just goes to prove our country, the majority of its voters, has evolved to a mind-set: the end justifies and means and it's all about "ME". Have we seen the last of Americans who place God and Country above oneself? By the thoughts within Norm's 2nd and 3rd paragraphs, the answer is YES! My thought to Norm: please take a short sabbatical....As time goes on, more and more people will listen to the truth and abandon false rhetoric and a media with a totally biased agenda rather than reporting the news and facts. We need millions more patriots like Norm for this country to survive, if such is still a possibility. May God Bless you Norm and may those who, despite the truth and facts, still support Obama....please take some time and re-read Norm's prior blogs. Open your mind to truth and love of country and stop being brainwashed by party loyalty. Remember, BHO's party, denied God from their political agenda 3 times at their last national convention.......Pray to God for mercy.....Lord help us...God Bless you Norm


  2. As our nation continues its free fall, I agree with Norm that there is little to discuss at this point. The lack of sincerity and honesty among diverse groups does not bode well. The mainstream media, and even the others, are seeking sensationalism and sometimes stretch the truth so far it enters the lie zone. There are some good signs but they are not reported. This is a great country, but it has never faced such attacks on the foundations it has always built upon. I pray for our country and for the kind of dialogs that this blog has encouraged. I pray for America that she will, once more, come through.
