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Sunday, June 30, 2013

The State of our Freedom

During the current week, we will observe the anniversary of our Nation's birth. We will celebrate our independence from a "Tyrant--unfit to be the ruler of a free people--". We also celebrate the genius of our constitutional form of government established to secure the "Blessings of Liberty" but not to be so powerful as to undermine those very Blessings.

As we know, freedom is a fragile concept. Consider the words of these political commentators.

In the "Reflections on the Revolution in France" (1790), Edmond Burke:

     --- denounced a revolution that led to a reign of terror and ultimately to chaos and the despotism of Napoleon.  "Armed with a doctrinaire logic of rights , these revolutionaries were indifferent to history and hostile to tradition. 'The age of chivalry is gone', wrote Burke. 'That of sophisters, economists, and calculators has succeeded---' From Paris, Robispierre would show how an undisciplined--sentiment could animate the berserk certitude of a homicidal revolutionary. (Burke) accepted that sovereignty was formed by the social contract of free individuals. But Burke's social contract wasn't 'dissolved by fancy'. ----He prized 'civil liberty' but only for those citizens capable of putting 'moral chains upon their own appetites' ".  (Quote from Jeffrey Collins in "A Disciplined Sentiment" (a review of "Edmund Burke: The First Conservative" by Jesse Norman) Wall Street Journal- June 19. 2013).

Alexis de Tocqueville in "Democracy in America" (1833):

     "---marveled at the way Americans preferred voluntary associations to government regulations. 'The inhabitant of the United States', he wrote, 'has only a defiant and restive regard for special authority--'. Unlike Frenchmen--- who instinctively looked to the state to provide economic and social order, Americans relied on their own efforts". (Wall Street Journal article "The Regulated States of America" by Niall Ferguson-June 19, 2013).

Later de Tocqueville said:

     "Democracy extends the sphere of individual freedom, socialism restricts it. Democracy attaches all possible value to each man; socialism makes each man a mere agent, a mere number. Democracy and socialism have nothing in common but one word: equality. But notice the difference: while democracy seeks equality in liberty, socialism seeks equality in restraint and servitude." (from "Discourse pronounced in constitutional assembly in a discussion of the constitution project" (1848) as quoted by F.A. Hayek in "The Road to Serfdom" (1944)).

In his book, Hayek added:

     "---socialism was early recognized as the greatest threat to freedom---- The French writers who laid the foundation of modern socialism had no doubt that their ideas could be put into practice only by a strong, dictatorial government".

 Niall Ferguson in "The Great Degeneration" (summarized by George Melloan in "A Jeremiad To Heed"-Wall Street Journal- June 20, 2013):

     "Western civilization has entered a period of decline due mainly to the strangling of private initiative by the ever encroaching state.---The threatened institutions are representative government, the free market, the rule of law and civil society. Mr. Ferguson is dismayed at the explosion of public debt, the destruction of markets by excessive regulation, the replacement of the rule of law by 'a rule of lawyers' and the decay of civil society as represented in part by the thousands of private voluntary organizations (Rotarians, Elks, at al) that have contributed so much to social order and progress in America."

Compare Ferguson's observations to those of de Tocqueville  and to the warnings of other writers. From Burke (and before). history has shown that freedom will not thrive in either a state of chaos or that of tyranny. Freedom requires balance: a government with enough power to secure the "Blessings of Liberty" but not so much as to smother those Blessings. As Niall Ferguson observes, we have swung too far in the direction of concentrated and authoritarian government.

                      We can only conclude that the state of our freedom is not good.


  1. Great article Norm. The question becomes: will the American people come to their senses in time to prevent our loss of freedom as the democritic party leads us to socialism and dependency upon government? Will otherwise good people continue to support immoral leadership? Yes, how long can people support a pro-abortion, pro-gay marriage, and anti-religious liberty political "platform" yet continue to state: "I am pro-life, I respect the institute of marriage as that between one man and one woman as stated by God, and I believe the government should not require my faith beliefs to be compromised?" How long before "we" identify the fact the democritic party and Barack Obama their current leader, are leading the "transformation of America" into a tyranny of government? No, we don't have a single tyrant as a leader, we have a whole political party. "Fundamentally transform America"....BHO

  2. Ken

    Someone mentioned to me recently that they felt alone and isolated in their conservative positions. I can understand that feeling. Conservatives have been put in a defensive position by the media, liberal pundits and advocacy groups and the lack of forceful leadership from conservatives.

    As the saying goes: the loudest (and most obnoxious-?) get the attention. We can do to our small part to encourage the "silent majority" but until we recover our voices, our silence will only embolden the opposition.

  3. Norm and Kenny, I think you could take some solace in the fact that many traditionally liberal thinkers/democratic sympathizers are becoming disillusioned with this administration. Between the NSA scandal and the continued use of drones all around the world, there is a building frustration. I should say that I dont think it would be any different if there was a traditional conservative candidate in office. I believe that I saw an article where Pres. Bush stepped forward to point out that he started the PRISM program during his time in office. "Defense" and "Safety" have trumped freedom. We seem to be reaching a point where the government has overreached in that value proposition. As naive as it may sound, many people continue to believe that President Obama can "change" the tone and actions in Washington. Those number seem to be dwindling every day as business as usual continues. While the last election was important, I wonder if the population will be more cynical/critical of the candidates in the upcoming election having has their good will wasted in the last 5 years. Time will tell. Enjoy your other activities.
