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Friday, February 8, 2013

Have We Lost Our Way?

All of us have our individual opinions and values. What is true now was also true during our nation's early history. Each of the American colonies was founded by persons of differing backgrounds, principles and aspirations. In this new land, they had the opportunity to establish a new way of life. It is also where a new concept of government would be born.

The separate and distinct colonies were brought together by their united opposition to a despotic monarch ruling from afar. They won that fight. But after it was over, they essentially remained independent of each other. They ultimately realized that they needed to act in concert in matters where they had mutual interests such as defense, trade and currency.

Because they had recently won their hard earned independence from an authoritarian government, they were not disposed to establish another. The result of these opposing sentiments is our Constitution. It is  a constitution that grants limited and enumerated powers to the national government and states explicitly that powers not granted are reserved to the states or to the people.

The Constitution also provides for elected representatives to make laws. This republic form of government has obvious practical advantages. But along with the constitutional requirements for a division of powers, checks and balances, periodic but staggered elections and a federalist system this republic form is (or should be) more conducive to reasoned deliberations, apart from the daily passions of fleeting public opinion.

In such a system of government of various constituencies, compromise is key to effective governance.

Which leads us to our time. We seldom hear much about our government as a Republic, with limited, enumerated powers, of federalism and the importance of states' role or even of individual sovereignty and freedom granted to us by our Creator (and not the government).

Our body politic has degenerated into political theater, much of which is performed in the mass media. Consider a system where:

     *Reasoned debate is often drowned out by emotional comments aided and abetted by the media and unprincipled politicians.

     *Elected officials don't make the hard decisions but follow the poll numbers.

     *Leaders don't lead but pander and bloviate.

     *Political dialog is reduced to personal attack, ridicule and innuendo.

     *Special interests have an inordinate influence on legislation.

     *The Constitution and the rule of law is circumvented for political expediency.

The root cause of this condition has been often described as an attitude among too many of us as selfishness, of what's in it for me and a corresponding disregard of what's in the national interest.

Demands that each of us are entitled to what we want, to consistently demand "our way or the highway" can only lead to a dysfunctional society and government. And ultimately chaos. To maintain a civil and just society, we should respect the opinions of others and we must also be ready to compromise when it is necessary for the common good.

At the same time, we should be guided by the principles of the Constitution and the laws duly enacted under its provisions.


  1. Sometimes I think I somehow am not living in the same country: circumvented laws, circumvented Congress, an Administration that has a "kill list" for American citizens when it is illegal to assassinate foreign leaders....when there are tears (rightly) for 20 innocent children slaughtered and none for the slaughter of millions of children since Roe vs Wade. And still few speak up...
    In Chavez fashion an Administration acts unilaterally against what a large portion of Americans want and on and on and on. Christians are predominant in the population yet the media downs them at every opportunity. From local governments on up, the beat continues drowning our the music of opposition.

  2. Well thought out and articulate article Norm! This administration is ignoring our Constitution in the same manner they have ignored the laws of this land...... *think immigration, and election laws as two examples*
    I sincerely doubt the vast majority who champion immigration reform have ever read our current immigration laws. Obama stated to the World last night, that unless Congress "acts", he will direct his administration to draft executive orders! I quote: democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve....G.B. Shaw.
    If I may recommend, read Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky. This one book will "enlighten" you to the mind-set and tactics of Obama and the progressive movement.
