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Friday, October 12, 2012

The Biden Smirk and What it Reveals

If you watched the Vice-Presidential debate last night (Oct. 11), what is your first recollection when reminded of it? To me, it is the Biden smirk.

What are we to make of the Vice-President's outlandish and insulting behavior? Outlandish because it is not what we should expect from a prominent government official; insulting not only to his political opponents but to the American public as well.

There has always been an undercurrent of arrogance in the Obama message. His communicative style resembles that of a preacher declaring the unalterable truth to all of us who should be grateful to be its recipients. There is no give and take; there is no compromise--why bend when you encompass the truth?

Indicative of his attitude are his numerous executive decrees, his waivers to requirements of established law and his unconstitutional mandates under the Affordable Care Act.

The Obama governing rationale and his policies have led to monumental failures. No amount of spin can turn these failures into successes. And they know it. As Obama himself said some four years ago, when someone has a record of failure, he/she turns to small things and seeks to demean the opposition.

This is what we saw in last night's vice-presidential debate. You bluster, you interrupt, you bend the truth, you feign a child's tantrum and you smirk. Or you do as the President did, you are unresponsive and not engaged, above the fray. All in an effort to avoid the real issues.

We should not tolerate this kind of behavior in our elected officials. Neither should we support those who encourage it especially those in the media. It sullies the political process and undermines the truth.

Except for the Vice-President's revealing behavior. the debate last night was effectively a non-event. In this important election, we need a clear understanding of the issues, not smoke and mirrors. For the remainder of the campaign and in the last two debates, we deserve an honest discussion of issues based on facts. We should expect no less.


  1. The epitome of obfuscation.He did it with some words but a lot of gestures and facial grimacing, rude tisking and belittling. It is like saying no but shaking your head yes. If they have no respect for their peers how can the Democrats respect those they represent. The sent the bully to the debate. Then he would call him my friend like Paul was a child. Joe did what he was told to do.Muddy the water and dazzle with footwork.

  2. Thanks Kathy. I think most people, if they are honest, will see it the same way.

    Joe Biden is an embarrassment. No matter what his motivation, his self control or lack of it, he is still an embarrassment. Dick Cheney was on Fox News last night and said basically that he is not fit to be second in line for the presidency. It also makes me wonder about the judgement of the man who put him (and keeps him) there.

    I pray for our country.
