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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Comments on Last Night's Debate

The strategies used by both parties in last night's debate were a continuation of those in the vice-presidential debate last week.

The Romney campaign continued its presentation of their plans to right the economy. The Obama campaign sought to regain some of the ground lost in the first debate by going on the attack, by obfuscating the facts and diverting the discourse from a pathetic record.

That record includes:

     An increase of Americans out of work from 21.5 million to 23.1 million; 
     An increase of those in poverty from 39.3 million to 46.2 million;
     An increase in our debt from $10.6 trillion to $16 trillion;
     Persistent unemployment and a sluggish economy.

As president, Obama has not used his legitimate powers to fix our very real problems. He has used those powers to redirect the economy and "transform" America.  If reelected, he plans more of the same--to go "forward".

His record and policies are not consistent with who we are as a country or with the cherished principles and freedoms cited in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.

Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan offer a better alternative. It is an alternative based on constitutional principles. It is also an alternative that provides hope for the future, not despair. 

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