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Thursday, July 11, 2013

Time for a Break

I've decided to take a break.

This decision is primarily due to other commitments and the fact is that I cannot, at least for the foreseeable future, give the blog the attention that I would like.

The break comes at a time when there's not much really new on the horizon. Washington politics haven't changed in substance.  The current administration continues in its free fall of incompetence and ideological arrogance. The Congress is its own worse enemy where the members' priority is reelection, not the national interest. And the Supreme Court swings from left to right depending on the views of one justice.

The lack of direction and leadership is frustrating but it essentially reflects a country that is deeply divided. Until "WE The People" come together on some consensus on the major problems before us, we will continue to see this split. It will require leadership, some compromise, time and yes, maybe even some sacrifice to "right this ship". Until that occurs, we will continue on our drift and the country will suffer for it.

Thanks for all of you who followed this blog and especially those who took the time to write comments. The blog will remain open at least for now and I invite you to continue any comments you have as long as you like. I will continue to butt in when I can.


Norm Pineault