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Monday, May 27, 2013

The Obama Administration is Unraveling--Here's Why.

President Obama came to the White House with no executive experience.  It shows. Working from his background and the mindset  of a community organizer, he is dedicated (by his own admission) to the "redistribution of wealth". His administration has used the power of the federal government first and foremost to attain that goal. All other considerations are secondary and distract from his primary agenda.

The President prizes his communicative skills. They explain much of his political success. But he gives the impression that a good speech is the solution to most problems, be they substantive or political. Scott Engers in a letter to the Wall Street Journal published on May 22 wrote:

     President Obama "---seems to think that he simply has to say that he will not tolerate something  and it will stop. He will not tolerate Syria using chemical weapons--sexual harassment or rape in the military--school shootings--IRS targeting conservative groups--another debt ceiling debate--a nuclear armed Iran". 

These statements sound forceful. But too often there is little followup indicating that the Chief Executive is not fully engaged.

There have been numerous occasions where the Obama Administration has demonstrated ineptitude with its misguided policies and mismanagement. To wit:

             *The effort to harass  news organizations such as the AP and Fox News in violation of their First Amendment rights.

             *The targeting by the IRS and other agencies of non- profit conservative groups.

             *The mandate under Obamacare for religious organizations to provide health care services that are contrary to their beliefs.

             *The Administration's struggle to implement Obamacare, a poorly conceived and poorly written law that will cost us more than advertised.

              *Recess appointments to administration positions that were illegitimate and unconstitutional.

              *Changing immigration regulations without proper legislative authority.

              *A seeming indifference to our national debt and its implications for our economy and national well being.

              *The failure to protect our diplomatic delegation in Benghazi and the transparent efforts to downplay the obvious dereliction.

              *The President's confused leadership in the war on terror. Are we at "war" or not? How do we handle enemy prisoners? What if they are American citizens? These questions should have been resolved long ago.

David Axelrod, a  former advisor to the president recently said the following in connection to the IRS targeting of conservative groups:  "Part of being president is that there is so much beneath you that you can't know, because the government is so vast." (Quoted in an article "Government Gone Wild" by Daniel Henninger in the Wall Street Journal on May 23).

Mr. Axelrod is correct; the government is too vast. But given this Administration's record in expanding the government, Mr. Axelrod's comment comes across as an inept explanation for the President's failures rather than a serious recognition of a very real problem.

The Constitution established a system of government with limited enumerated powers. It includes the Bill of Rights which list specific freedoms that are not to be abridged. Amendment X of those Rights states: "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

Today our freedoms are threatened by the very government instituted to protect those freedoms. Cries to redress the government's excess of power falls on deaf ears. Politicians have become a professional and privileged class responding to special interests. The average citizen finds it difficult if not impossible to penetrate the curtain of power and secrecy.

Honesty compels us to say that we cannot continue on our current path as we are certain to lose whatever remaining freedoms we have. How do we get out of this morass? And who will lead us?


  1. Great article Norm. Of course you couldn't mention four and 1/3 years of BHO leadership and list everything inept, mis-guided, and mis-managed
    (fast & furious, blocking oil exploration in the Gulf, denial of Keystone, etc.)
    are a few key ones among many.
    I came across a quote from the late Bishop Fulton Sheen: "It is easy to find the truth; it is hard to face it; and harder still to follow it."
    So to answer your two questions: the answer lies in the 1st paragraph of the July 4, 1776 Declaration of Independence; in part: the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitles them....We need to return to GOD. He provides the way, the truth, and the life.....Remember this past Summer in Charlotte, the democrat national convention delegates denied God three times in voice votes to add to their "political platform". We, the USA, must return to the principles, laws, and our Constitution as set forth by our founding father's. We never needed to "transform America".
    BHO has led a massive exodus into moral and ethical "confusion" of his voting "base". This "base" either does not seek the truth, cannot face it, and refuses (as of yet) to accept reality and do what needs to be done.....
    After all, certainly BHO has overseen "misdemeanor" (Art. II, sec. 4

  2. Norm, I agree with the overarching theme of this post. President Obama says many things that sounds appealing and correct. After that, I have been consistently disappointed of late with the follow-through. We can argue about the obstructionist tactics in congress being the reason for this lack of action/"progress", but it falls on him to get things done. If you cannot sell your plan to the public, then there must be something wrong with the plan. What matters most to politicians is getting reelected. If you get the public on the side of your policies, forcing someone to assume the opposite position (if they truly don't agree), then it should result in them having to answer for their votes/decisions come election time. Lack of transparency and informed debate has reduced the public's awareness/interest in major issues. Eventually, it will catch up with them, but for now, the market is up, real estate is up, so people aren't bothering themselves with the minutia of government. If the government comes for 10% of your bank accounts, then people will respond. Sadly, the threshold for action is pretty high for most Americans.

  3. Ken & Ryan

    I appreciate both of your comments.

    As to your point Ken about the need to look to our faith and God for guidance: I saw on TV or read in the newspaper a discussion about were we "happier" in the 1950's or now? I'm a bona fide old guy and remember growing up in the 50's. Maybe it's because I now look through rose colored glasses but it seems to me we were happier, certainly not in a material sense, but because we lived in a community where everyone shared the same values and really cared for each other. I'm not saying that sense doesn't exist today but from what I see, the general attitude is more an emphasis on material wealth and a sense of self aggrandizement. Maybe in the '50's, people knew what hard times were (depression, world war etc.) and were appreciative for what they had and for their families and friends. That fell apart in the '60's when it seems anything was acceptable--we seem to have been on a downward spiral since.

    I agree with Ryan and his comment (especially since he agrees with my general theme). I remember one of my bosses ( a WWII vet) saying in the 1970's when we were going through social upheaval, political corruption etc. that what the country needed was a good depression, then people would realize what was important. That ties in with what Ken was saying and also Ryan's comment that "the market is up, real estate is up. so people aren't bothering themselves with the minutia of government." I don't know what will wake them up, but I do know that we can't go on the way we are. Ultimately, we will need to face our very real problems. What form that will take, I can't predict, but I do know that there will be some sacrifices needed and the sooner we (all of us, not just the government) plan for it, the better we will get through it.

    Thanks again for your thoughtful comments.

    1. Norm and Ryan
      Reading both your thoughts, quite good actually, I wish to add food for thought. Not being an expert on the market, is the market up because of QE 1, QE 2, etc?
      The market is at record highs yet we have massive un-employment (counting those no longer on the un-employment "rolls"). 48 million people on food stamps and people losing hours in the work-week, in many cases, for employers to avoid Obamacare requirements. Hence, I do not believe the market is any longer a true indicator of economic well-being in this country. It's more a global market these days as hey, 70% of General Motors products are made outside our borders....for example.
      As for real estate, it's up yet from what? The condo I live in sold for $258K in 2006 and today the same condo is going for $140K, which is up from two years ago when I bought it for $121K...Thinking about obstructionism, just something to think about: I think back to the days of Reagan and his often held meetings with House leader Tip O'Neil, a democrat. Well documented in Reagan's book...These two LEADERS met often and of course, the President arranged such meetings. They found a way to communicate, as did Speaker Gingrich and Pres. Clinton. Pres. Obama has never sought to lead in such a manner, even with his own party leaders. Of course, there are exceptions, those last minute meetings of which it's already known there will be no compromise at "this point".....all a media show! Know the man, Barack Obama. As a community organizer he had nothing to "give" in negotiations, only demand something....think about it. On to Illinois senator and try and find any meaningful legislation Obama lead or co-sponsered. Onto the U.S. Senate and again, nothing....Now think about how the President "leads" re: legislation he wants as his legacy. The Presidents involvement is to hit the road and give speeches. As a parable, this is like the U.A.W. President traveling around the country, plant to plant, giving speeches to auto-workers who agree with everything he says....while contract negotiations are in the process in Detroit. Shouldn't that UAW Pres. be in Detroit leading his negotiating team? Clinton lead, Reagan lead, Obama? MIA. Now I wish to end with a very troubling fact: The IRS chief had 157 documented visits to the White House. During the 8 Bush years, only one IRS visit. We all should be wondering the reason for all these visits? Especially in light of the recent news. Just for fun, google: Nixon's Watergate speech and you will find a very good speech in which the President assured "he knew nothing".....Of course, this current IRS scandal goes beyond NIxon.......did Obama know? Let's see, Chicago politics and Valerie Jarrett, Axlerod, and the "group"...Yep, nobody knew a thing........

  4. Ken

    I don't fully understand how "QE1. QE2 etc" affected the stock market. I do know that the Fed chairman said last week that they are contemplating changing course because they are concerned about a possible bubble. I can only surmise that they think their previous actions had some impact on the market increase. From what I understand, the Fed's actions affect the market (as well as the economy as a whole) in indirect ways and there is usually a time lag in the effects. To trace the impact of the QE's as well as changes to Fed rates etc. would require expertise in a topic that even learned economists disagree. My opinion: The capitalist system is made up of a multitude of individual decisions, numerous economic influences, facts etc. that no one can possibly claim to have all knowledge. (This is not my
    original thought but was stated in a book by Hayek some years ago). So maybe Sen. Paul is right. For both practical reasons as well as our precious freedoms, the Fed ought to go. (And the IRS, the Dept. of (mis)Education etc.).

  5. Norm: As your article was titled: Obama administration is un-raveling.....Did you see the article about the wire-tapping of Verizon customers? Seems this craziness has been going on since 2009! According to the Dept. of Homeland Security, who are terrorists besides: conservatives, pro-lifers, catholics, and any organization or peoples who call themselves tea party folks, or defenders of the Constitution? DHS and the IRS, anybody believe these actions do not go all the way to the highest levels within the White House? I've got a wooden nickel I well sell to you for $19.95....I'll even throw-in a bonus of a free three dollar Clinton bill......
    Remember the "make-up" of this administration: Valerie Jarrett, Axelrod, Obama, Daly, Emmanual...."the Chicago way"......These type politicians have been getting away with this kind of governing since the days of Al Capone. Just when we thought Washington couldn't get any worse, it did!!!!! A picture just flashed into my mind: The image of actor Mel Gibson in the movie; The Patriot, yelling FREEDOM!
