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Friday, January 4, 2013

A New Year--Same Old Politics

It shouldn't be news to anyone that the country is essentially split on many policy levels: political, economic, social, environment, the role of government etc.

An indication of this split was seen in this week's acrimonious debate and last minute settlement to avoid the so-called "fiscal cliff". Some may view this agreement as a positive sign. I do not.

What the agreement accomplished was the bare minimum to avoid a large tax increase for 99% of taxpayers--it essentially kicked the can down the road for the rest of our problems. This result reflects the November election which was not one of change but one of status quo.

What is left to address is an unsustainable debt, the debt limit, sequestration, a reduction in spending, tax reform and an overhaul of entitlement programs. That is just for starters. Longer range, the country would be well advised to pass some constitutional amendments regarding term limits, a balanced budget    requirement and some clearer guidelines on the limits of the federal government especially its power of taxation and role vis-a-vis the states.

That is a tall order which will not come to fruition unless and until the public becomes more educated as to the real nature of the threat to our national well being. Only then will our so called political "leaders" take notice and start to make the very necessary changes that we need.

In the interim, we should expect more of the same: more acrimony, deadlock and minimal agreements which will only kick the can down the road yet again.