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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

A Short Hiatus

After a short hiatus in following political events (and posting to the blog), I realize that truly significant political events occur infrequently. One such event was the Supreme Court's decision this week regarding Arizona's immigration law. The Court found that Arizona police could question persons who they had reason to believe were in the country illegally. However, the Court limited the police power by denying them the power of arrest in such instances. Also voided were parts of the law that made certain actions by undocumented residents a state crime by virtue of their status. However much that the Obama administration may declare victory in this case, we should remember that Arizona (and other states) have carried the major burden of the inaction of the federal government to enforce its own laws. Since the courts have now closed the option for state remedy, the only viable option is for action at the federal level. The problem of illegal immigration has festered too long. We, as a country, should be embarrassed by the lack of resolution. Both sides can blame the other but the fact remains that compromise will be required to resolve this issue and get it behind us. It is time for politicians of all persuasions to get off the soap boxes and start working with each other in the public interest.

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