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Friday, September 13, 2013


We did not get into this foreign policy morass overnight and we will not fix it overnight.

This President has led us to a position of weakness from the start.  Let me count the ways:

1.  He advocated a "reset" with Russia and received nothing in return.

2.  He failed to get a "status of forces" agreement in Iraq before our wholesale withdrawal.

3.  Ditto for Afghanistan.

4.  He "led from behind" in Libya as well as Iran, North Korea, China and now Syria.

5.  He set a "red line" for chemical weapons in Syria apparently without a clue as to what his next step would be.

Syria is now dispersing its chemical weapon stockpiles. Going forward we can expect even more trouble from our adversaries. What can we do?

First of all, let's not do anything stupid. A short term solution such as a military strike now without sound leadership, national resolve and purpose is not the answer. Our problem requires a longer term view.

We can start by fixing our economy. Get rid of the impediments to our growth; fix the tax structure, reduce rates, cut government spending, reduce bureaucracies and regulations, substitute a rational health care system for Obamacare and take concrete steps to reduce our large unsustainable and crippling debt.

Strong leadership requires consistent and coherent polices. We need our leaders to take the lead, to inspire confidence in our allies so that they actually follow and support us. After all, aren't such weapons as nuclear and chemical arms a threat to all?

To back up what we stand for, we need to support our military. Better to have a strong military that we never need than an insufficient force that we are hesitant to deploy.

One last thought: To show Mr. Putin that we are truly committed to freedom and human rights let's support the Syrian rebels as we said we would and provide humanitarian aide to the millions of refugees resulting from the Syrian war. No speech necessary, Mr. President.

Sunday, September 8, 2013


We should all say "NO" to any military intervention (war) in Syria.
 Here are the reasons why:

1. There is no compelling reason that our national interest is in imminent danger.  Talk of a perception that our national standing may be diminished if we do not act is a poor reason to risk the lives of our proud soldiers and spend untold treasure which we can ill afford.

2.  Any action initiated on our part has a strong potential for a wider war. We know that Iran is a strong supporter of the Syrian regime and may expand the war not only in Syria but throughout the Middle East including Israel.  We know that Russia has interest in Syria and will not stand idly by if those interests are threatened.  We also know that Islamist extremists will be emboldened by our intervention and may cause untold havoc especially to civilians.

3.  Where is the strategic vision?  Assume we destroy Syria's ability to deliver chemical weapons (or even their chemical stockpiles)?  Don't you think they could get more from Iran or others? Assume we kill Assad?  Who will replace him?  Someone picked by Iran, Islamic extremists? Where will it end?  What is our strategic goal, Mr. President?  What is our exit strategy?

4. Where is the support from our allies? Each one may be ill equipped to take action on their own. But collectively, with our leadership, their contribution could be significant and not only in military terms.  Why couldn't you convince them at the G20 Meeting, Mr. President?  Is it because you are so right and they are so wrong?

5. Speaking of leadership.  The Administration insists on calling the "war on terror", everything but a war. It is calling the proposed action in Syria a "military action" not war. When there is a strong risk that American blood will be spilled and military resources spent in a foreign land, that is war.  We should have the courage to call it what it is.

6. This Administration has not proved competent in several areas.  The economy continues to be anemic.  In foreign affairs we have been weak, full of bluster with no followup, no meaning.  The Administration has dug a hole for itself in the Middle East and now it is asking us to dig the hole even deeper.  The way to build American strength is not through bluster or ill conceived responses.  The way to build American strength is through a healthy and viable economy in a free and civil society.  Let's get to work on that before we go off on another overseas misadventure.

7. A final word on the humanitarian crisis. The killing of civilians is a barbaric act. We should not intervene militarily when there is a strong probability that the Syrian regime's response will be more barbarism against civilians.  We can demonstrate our repugnance as a civilized society by providing humanitarian aid to the millions of refugees displaced by this awful war.  That is a proposition that I believe the American public and many foreign countries would agree to.  But, we need to set the example; we need to show REAL leadership.