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Saturday, December 31, 2011

For this new year, 2012, the choice is ours.

The general election of 2012 will be one of the most important in our time.

We will have a choice between two diametrically opposed views of government.  One position holds that our problems can be resolved primarily by government; the other holds that government should be limited in its size and scope allowing private initiative more latitude in the decision process.

It's obvious that today's world is very much different from the time in which our nation had its beginnings.  Yet the principles of government enshrined in the Declaration of Independence and in the Constitution are as valid today as they were then.  To diminish the rights of individuals to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for purposes not envisioned in the Constitution by our Founding Fathers is a grave misuse of government power.

David Hume, British historian and philosopher (1711-1776) once said: "It is seldom that liberty of any kind is lost all at once".  We have been drifting towards a centralized and more powerful government in Washington D.C. for a number of years.  Which path will we choose in this election year, a path of more centralization and power or one of a government that is limited in its powers in keeping with the Constitution?  The choice is ours.